“I’d Rather Help Kids in America.”

colorchildIt doesn’t happen often, but now and then, people have an odd reaction when they hear that I work at an orphanage in Mexico. They say, “I’d rather help kids in America.” This statement brings up so many uncomfortable and unhealthy issues. The snarky side of me really wants to say, “Great, what are you doing for kids in America?” I can almost guarantee they aren’t doing anything for anybody. Continue reading

Life Is Never Normal

destructionA while back, I was sitting with a young couple who were planning on opening a new orphanage. Along with all of the important topics we covered, I asked them one key question. “Are you ready to never have a “normal” week again?” When running an orphanage there is always some disaster around the corner. Children get sick, cars breakdown, government officials can be crazy, funding is always an issue. Every week brings some new challenge that needs to be overcome. Looking back at that question in light of what’s going on in the world, maybe that’s a question we should all be asking. Are we ready to never have a “normal” week again? Continue reading

“Authority Sucks”


Our relationship with any authority is complicated. From an early age, we have a strong desire to rebel against authority; anyone who’s cared for a toddler will attest to this. That rebellious spirit ebbs and flows, peaking again in our teen years as we establish our identity. Contempt for, and rebelling against, authority has been going on for a very long time. Although, as a culture, we tend to admire standing up to authority, it’s rebelling against authority that originally got Adam and Eve in trouble. We have been living with the consequences of their rebellious spirit ever since. Continue reading

“I’m from the Government; I’m here to help.”

32618985644_dd410eabb0_bIf your child needed to be cared for long-term by someone other than yourself, who would you feel good about? The DMV? The post office? How about the local school board? This is what society, and the church in America, has decided is best for children in need of a home, turn it over to a government agency. It has now become the government’s responsibility to care for widows and orphans.*

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